Quality Wings met à jour son Ultimate 787


L’excellente modélisation du Dreamliner de Quality Wings continue sa progression et est désormais disponible dans une version 1.3.1. Celle ci concerne des petites corrections. La mise à niveau se fait aisément via le Flight1 Purchase Agent et bien entendu gratuitement.

Voici la liste des changements:

  • WXR: Weather Radar can’t find proper paths when ASP3D and ASN are installed
  • WXR: Weather Data Request METAR/TAF not working with ActiveSky
  • WXR: config entries for snapshot dir gets corrupted after saving config from DU
  • EFB: CTD when selecting Navigraph as Chart source (FSX-SE only)
  • EFB: Incorrect Navigraph Chart Label for few selected airports
  • EFB: Navigraph charts do not dim
  • EFB: Dispatch page weights do not add up properly
  • CDU: CTD when selecting LTAI as destination on RTE page
  • CDU: Autostepclimb inop
  • CDU: HOLD still shows after being deleted on the legs page
  • CDU: POS FUEL value occasionally incorrect when weight units are set to KGS
  • HUD: 3 degree G/S line should stay parallel with the horizon
  • HUD: 3 degree G/S line shows when TOD is reached and Vref set
  • FS2CREW: Enabling of FS2Crew only works on LEFT side of DU, not on right side
  • ND: TCAS does not show all traffic (P3D only)
  • ND: Airport Map and Terrain do not dim
  • ND: Range Arcs should show when TFC is selected ON using the TFC Button
  • ND: RNP on wide ND does not match setting on CDU POS REF 2 page
  • ND: DME errors
  • CHKL: Checklists do not reset when new flightplan gets entered
  • CHKL: Shutdown checklist typo FUEL “CONTRL” changed to FUEL “CONTROL”
  • VC: Excessive display reflections (P3Dv5 only)
  • Exterior: Engine fan shows too transparent (P3Dv5 only)
  • Exterior: Dome light illuminates outside of fuselage (P3Dv5 only)
  • Misc: Loading a default panelstate overrides WeightUnit setting
  • Misc: Holding improvements
  • Jump Ahead: Sim reduces to 1x when Jump Ahead is initiated
  • EFB: Navigraph Chart Quality adjustable to reduce FPS impact
  • SOUNDS: “Mute on lost focus” option (mute_on_lost_focus=0)
  • CDU: Landing Weight can be entered/edited on Approach page
  • HUD: Brightness control on QW CONFIG page added