PMDG 747-400/8 QOTS II mise à jour PBR disponible


La mise à jour du PMDG 747-400/8 QOTS II prenant en compte le PBR vient d’être publiée. Pour lancer la mise à jour du build 3.00.9329, veuillez simplement lancer l’Operation Center de PMDG et tout se fera de manière automatique. D’autres corrections de bugs sont également de la partie comme vous pouvez le voir ci-dessous. Si vous n’avez pas encore le 747-400 Queen of the Sky II, vous pouvez l’acheter via le site de PMDG pour 139.99USD.

  • 0007523: [External Model – Liveries] Build 9318 PBR Engine Pylon Textures (jbrown) – resolved.
  • 0007520: [FMS – Route/Legs Pages] Forced WPT Sequencing minimum distance (emvaos) – resolved.
  • 0007470: [EFB – Performance and Computational] Runway slope (custom airports) is ignored in Landing calculations (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007469: [EFB – Performance and Computational] Runway length of custom airports (OPT landing) is set to 0 when LDA is entered and field length is no entered (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007413: [FMS – Functionality Problems (General)] IAN app intercepting the LOC/FAC HDG will sync to course automatically like an ILS (emvaos) – resolved.
  • 0007465: [EFB – Performance and Computational] OPT-Landing: « Anti-ice not allowed below 10C » message should not be displayed when NNC is selected (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007464: [EFB – Performance and Computational] Wrong label for NNC speed in Landing-Enroute page results when a NNC with a 0 ADD REF input is selected (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007463: [EFB – Performance and Computational] Selection of Autobrakes in Landing-Enroute page not retained when changing OPT page (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007457: [EFB – Navigraph Charting Functions] Some airport names appear incomplete, starting with a « – » (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007456: [EFB – Navigraph Charting Functions] Some ground airport charts are not automatically added to the chart clip after route setup (mfrantzeskakis) – resolved.
  • 0007449: [Virtual Cockpit – Geometry/Textures] Registration Number lighting at Dawn (vscimone) – resolved.
  • 0007441: [Virtual Cockpit – Geometry/Textures] BCF Wiper Blade length (vscimone) – resolved.
  • 0007409: [External Model – Geometry] Cockpit window tint (jbrown) – closed.
  • 0007508: [External Model – Geometry] Landing Gear does not dim the landing lights (jbrown) – resolved.
  • 0007482: [FMS – Performance Pages] PERF INIT page Fuel quantity can not be set manually above 162.0 (kg) (emvaos) – resolved.
  • 0007474: [Virtual Cockpit – Functionality/Click-Spots] Small light leak in the gear lever housing (vscimone) – resolved.
  • 0007451: [Virtual Cockpit – Functionality/Click-Spots] RAT Activation near Wiper switch (vscimone) – resolved.
    [17 issues]