Le 767 Captain II en v0.97


Toujours en phase Beta, le Boeing 767 de Captain Sim reçoit la mise à jour 0.97. Il est nécessaire de télécharger le fichier à nouveau depuis votre compte sur le site de Captain Sim. Voici les derniers changements:

VERSION 0.97 (09JUN’20)
New features:
– Throttle quadrant box from scratch.
– Rapid Speed Increase in VNAV Descent.
– EPR instead of THR on 2D MCP panel.
– CDU/PC KEYBOARD MAPPING on page 12 of the Manual part 2F is missing.
– At ToD it started descending for around 2,000 feet, then after a few miles it stopped again. Suddenly the FMC VNAV page claimed the plane is 1,500 feet too low and the Top of Descent moved again. It started descending again a few miles later.
– After starting my descent, passing ENO, the magenta indicator for “too high” or “too low” on vnav path kept jumping around every second.
– When staying in MAP mode during a flight, if theEFIS mode is changed to PLAN, the route disappears from the navigation display until the LEGS button is pressed on the FMC.
– I copy the Flap 25 landing speed on the APPR page which is shown as 125kt. When clicking the LSK next to the speed the scratchpad shows 25/126 (1kt more).
– The airplane passes the 1000ft restriction 240/10000 and continues to fly the path with current airspeed, then when selecting speed intervention, to manualy select 250, the airplane changes to VNAV SPD but keeps flying the path, instead of pitching for selected airspeed.
– Improved strobe lights fx P3D4/5.
– Improved turn lights fx P3D5.
– Improved flood lights fx P3D5.
– Plugged windows texture.
– The gear extension/ops speeds.
– APU air inlet inside texture missing.
– Missing strobe lights on winglet variants.