Le 767 Captain II en v0.95


Le 767 Captain II de Captain Sim reçoit une nouvelle mise à jour solutionnant les quelques défauts rapportés par les utilisateurs. Le principal ajout est l’implémentation du Wireless CDU qui inclut un FMS téléchargeable depuis un appareil mobile Android et connecté au 767.


767 Captain II (767-300ER Base Pack)

Captains,The 767 Captain II free update to Version 0.95 is available: https://captainsim.net/products/y767/sops/updates/changelog/

Gepostet von Captain Sim am Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020

New features (version 0.95):

  • Wireless CDU support.
  • CRT displays refresh rate easy setup via ACE.


  • FMC 250/10000 speed restriction during cruise phase.
  • AUTOPILOT annunciation with light, EICAS message and master caution whilst landing in MCP APP mode with the autopilot disconnected.
  • The speed tape flaps 1 flap bug settings.
  • The yellow maximum maneuvering speed tape should not pass current air speed in the initial climbout.
  • GROSS WT and SPEED display on INIT REF and APPROACH REF pages.
  • FMC random payload.
  • The inboard ailerons retract to 5 at all flap settings between 25 and 30.
  • Pump C2 supposed to stay off during the first engine start.
  • Slats position animation improved.
  • Taxi/landing lights intensity reduced.
  • Daytime red/green navlights improved.
  • Homepit EICAS refreshing issue.
  • Extra conditions for spoilers 4,5,8,9 added.
  • Reverse Thrust defaul P3D axis mapping.

Connectez vous à votre compte sur le site de Captain Sim, puis téléchargez à nouveau le 767.