Mise à jour pour les Flight Factor 757/767

Boeing 757 Flight Factor - Cockpit view

Les Boeing 757 et 767 de chez FlightFactor viennent d’être mis à jour respectivement en 2.2.26 et 1.2.20. Ces pataches étaient déjà en version Beta (option qu’on peut choisir via l’updater fourni avec les deux addons). Quelques corrections de bugs et optimisations diverses. Attention, ce n’est pas encore la mise à jour qui ajoutera l’option payante des nouveaux écrans FPDS. Pour effectuer la mise à jour, lancez simplement X-Updater qui se trouve dans le dossier de l’addon, attention Java doit être installé.

Boeing 757 2.2.26 change log

  • refactored(~redone) the cockpit interaction system (clicksystem)
    added external web auth for navigraph charts
    added some messages inhibition
    added more custom commands, fixed mistakes in some commands
    added some info about new commands to the manual
  • added an ability to correctly insert (after downselect) custom wpts (pbd, etc..) into the route on the legs page
  • added a new metal sound
  • added the ability to partially save and load cockpit configuration (just buttons, not systems states)
  • improved situation with calculation predicted profile through VECTOR leg
  • improved the DES NOW logic
  • dir intc and hold at pages now can be fed by custom wpts from the route (pbd, etc…)
  • make cockpit interaction system to work on all monitors in multi-monitor setup
  • update joystick axes handling
  • increased terrain database loading speed
  • cleaned up the PW sounds
  • decreased friction koeff in turns on the ground a bit
  • fixed an « issue » with engine status
  • fixed an issue with cabincall
  • fixed some misspelling
  • fixed avionics CTD when rte contains a vector leg and the next one is disco
  • fixed soft crash in PA logic
  • fixed <SEL>&<ACT> positions on the Arrival page
  • fixed some issues on editing non-active route
  • fixed possible micro stutters for Nvidia graphic cards with Threaded Optimization enabled
  • fixed possible mouse lag during cockpit interaction
  • fixed crash on Mac OS Mojave related to the Security settings
  • fixed Navigraph login errors
  • fixed checklist on the yoke

Boeing 1.2.20 767 change log

  • refactored(~redone) the cockpit interaction system (clicksystem)
  • added external web auth for navigraph charts
  • added some messages inhibition
  • added more custom commands, fixed mistakes in some commands
  • added some info about new commands to the manual
  • added an ability to correctly insert (after downselect) custom wpts (pbd, etc..) into the route on the legs page
  • added a new metal sound
  • added the ability to partially save and load cockpit configuration (just buttons, not systems states)
  • improved situation with calculation predicted profile through VECTOR leg
  • improved the DES NOW logic
  • N1 should be displayed on the TO page for GE engines
  • changed empty weight of 767-F
  • dir intc and hold at pages now can be fed by custom wpts from the route (pbd, etc…)
  • make cockpit interaction system to work on all monitors in multi-monitor setup
  • update joystick axes handling
  • increased terrain database loading speed
  • cleaned up the PW sounds
  • decreased friction koeff in turns on the ground a bit
  • fixed flaps 20 warn
  • fixed possible systems soft crash during amplified checklist usage
  • fixed an « issue » with engine status
  • fixed an issue with cabincall
  • fixed some misspelling
  • fixed avionics CTD when rte contains a vector leg and the next one is disco
  • fixed soft crash in PA logic
  • fixed <SEL>&<ACT> positions on the Arrival page
  • fixed some issues on editing non-active route
  • fixed possible micro stutters for Nvidia graphic cards with Threaded Optimization enabled
  • fixed possible mouse lag during cockpit interaction
  • fixed crash on Mac OS Mojave related to the Security settings
  • fixed Navigraph login errors
  • fixed checklist on the yoke