Mise à jour DCS :


Aujourd’hui, l’équipe d’Eagle Dynamics propose une mise à jour pour le simulateur de combat Digital Combat Simulator (DSC). La mise à jour Cette mise à jour introduit des mises à jours sur la toute récente réalisation de Leatherneck Simulations, le AJS-37 Viggen mais également la campagne solo A-10C Stone Shield. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour connaitre la longue liste des modifications. Concernant notre Mirage 2000C national, voilà la liste de ses améliorations :

  • DCS M-2000C
  • Added dynamic nose and tail numbering
  • Added slight buffet at very high pitch rates
  • Added airfoil aerodynamic force shift back with mach
  • Updates to jammer switch functionality based on community feedback
  • Updates to reduce control effectiveness at high AOA
  • Updates to AP control tuning (some regimes still WIP)
  • Updates to various AP logic (some features still WIP)
  • Updates to afterburner fuel flow schedule (lower fuel flow with altitude as expected)
  • Updates to afterburner performance for acceleration timing (reduced from previous)
  • Updates to transonic drag modeling for performance and accelerating timing (greatly increased drag from previous)
  • Updates to external fuel tank and 530D parasite drag values for performance and acceleration timing (minor increase)
  • Updates to low speed AOA recovery control law for better response
  • Updates to airfoil tables and stability coefficients to better match sustained turn rate charts
  • Updates to hydraulic system damage model
  • Fixed AP still in standby when re-engaged when AP was previously turned off while in standby
  • Fixed AP not allowed to disengage when in standby
  • Fixed FBW gains on ground behavior
  • Fixed some typos in tooltips
  • Fixed a minor blending issue in FBW control laws
  • Fixed engine inlet mass flow too high at high AOA
  • Fixed engine efficiency at altitude and at idle (reduced)
  • Fixed minor issue with drag reduction due to slats (reduction was too high previously)
  • Fixed bugs in nearly all campaign and training missions
  • Fixed INS flight plan no longer will reset when rearming or refueling

Plus d’informations